Monstera adansonii Monkey Mask
Monstera adansonii Monkey Mask

Monstera adansonii Monkey Mask

Regular price $15.00 $0.00 Unit price per
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Distinctive variety with oval-shaped fenestrations in the leaves, which look like an impersonation of a monkeys face. They are more of a clumping variety compared to the regular adansonii.

Position: Position near bright, indirect light.

Soil: Prefers a peat based potting mix which is free draining.

Watering: Water when soil feels dry or plant starts to droop. Kanp soil moist but not wet, watering more in summer and less in winter.

Fertilise: Fertilise regularly during the growing ceason.

Use: Perfect as an indoor plant used in containers or decorative hanging baskets.

Growing Tips: Mist spray to create a temperate environment. Avoid direct sunlight.

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