Chinese Wombok Cabbage
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A versatile vegetable for salads or in cooking. Firm, upright heads of tightly packed leaves can also be steamed or used in a stir-fry. Leaves have a delicate flavour and are a rich source of vitamins C and iron.
- Fast growing
- Salads or stir-fries
- Flavour & texture
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical All Year Around
- Temperate Mid Winter to Mid Autumn
- Cool Spring, Summer to Mid Autumn
How to Grow
Full sun
Sow direct where they are to grow or in seed trays of Seed Raising Mix. Cover lightly, firm down and keep moist. Thin out or transplant when about 5-6cm high.
Choose a sunny, well-drained position. Add Blood & Bone before planting. Water regularly and apply liquid organic plant food fortnightly. Protect from snails and slugs.
Control leaf-eating grubs with a caterpillar killer (Dipel).